Akantetapi, meski sudah dilarang, massa tetap berbondong-bondong mendatangi Patung Kuda yang berada di Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat dekat Monas. Mereka tetap ingin hadir meski polisi melarangnya. Sebenarnya, panitia Reuni 212 sempat ingin memindahkan acara ke Masjid Azzikra di Sentul, Bogor. Namun, pihak masjid keberatan, sehingga Reuni 212 batal

Ilustrasi motor dinas polisi Kawasaki KLX. - Nekat banget, oknum polisi baru ini maling Kawasaki KLX dinas milik rekan kerjanya sendiri gara-gara iri. Peristiwa itu terjadi di lingkungan Polres Lampung Tengah pada awal Februari 2023. Pelaku adalah personel yang dinas di Satuan Samapta Polres Lampung Tengah berinisial Bripda RS. Kapolres Lampung Tengah AKBP Doffie Fahlevi Sanjaya membenarkan adanya peristiwa pencurian yang dilakukan bintara lulusan tahun 2022 tersebut. Menurut Doffie, pelaku RS mencuri Kawasaki KLX yang merupakan kendaraan dinas milik rekan kerjanya. "Benar, kita sudah amankan yang bersangkutan. Saat ini masih dalam pemeriksaan dan penahanan," kata Doffie dihubungi dari Bandar Lampung 17/2/2023 malam. Pencurian ini baru diketahui setelah korban yang juga bertugas di Satuan Samapta tidak menemukan motor dinasnya di lokasi parkir. Korban sempat mencari-cari dan bertanya ke beberapa orang anggota, namun hasilnya nihil. "Anggota lalu mengecek rekaman video CCTV dan melihat pelaku membawa motor itu," kata Doffie. Pelaku kemudian dipanggil dan diperiksa serta ditunjukkan rekaman video CCTV itu.

Gridoto/ News. M. Adam Samudra August 6th, 1:05 PM August 6th, 1:05 PM Sebuah mobil dinas berpelat RFH disebut sempat kabur, usai menabrak anggota Satuan Polisi Patroli Jalan Raya
JAMBI, - Direktorat Reserse Narkoba Polda Jambi menangkap pengedar sabu-sabu yang menggunakan motor trail berwarna dan beraksesori kendaraan dinas polisi. Direktur Reserse Narkoba Polda Jambi Kombes Thomas Panji Suspandaru mengatakan, ada 4 pelaku yang ditangkap. Awalnya, petugas berhasil meringkus dua orang pelaku yang merupakan ayah dan berinisial RH yang ditangkap di Desa Mendalo Laut. Baca juga Gunakan Sabu-sabu, Petugas Damkar Kabupaten Blitar Ditangkap Polisi Dari hasil pengembangan, petugas menangkap anak RH, yakni RAP di Simpang Sungai Duren, Kecamatan Jaluko, Kabupaten Muaro RA diketahui mengedarkan narkoba mengunakan sepeda motor trail yang dimodifikasi menyerupai kendaraan dinas milik Polri. Hal itu dilakukan Ini untuk mengelabui petugas agar terhindar dari penangkapan. "Di TKP pertama ini, barang buktinya satu unit motor yang menyerupai motor dinas polisi. Ini digunakan para pelaku untuk memperlancar pengiriman narkoba kepada pemesan," kata Wakil Direktur Ditresnarkoba AKBP Zulkarnain Harahap seperti dikutip dari Antara, Senin 30/8/2021. Baca juga Viral, Video Penodong Bersenjata Gunakan Jeep Willys untuk Minta Permen dan Rokok Selain itu, petugas juga berhasil mengamankan barang bukti satu paket sabu, timbangan digital, satu unit senjata api rakitan model revolver, enam buah amunisi, senpi rakitan model paku tembak, dan dua unit ponsel.

Selamatdatang di chanel kids media,yang berisi tentang konten hiburan.#membersihkanmainanmainan #mainanpistol #mainananak #mencarimainan#mainanmobiltruk#men

Tersangka berusia 25 tahun itu berhasil ditangkap dengan cepat oleh petugas kepolisian beberapa blok dari lokasi penabrakan. Sebelumnya, dia menabrakkan mobil van sewaannya ke para pejalan kaki di persimpangan utama di pinggiran utara Toronto, Kanada. "Insiden itu jelas terlihat disengaja," kata Kepala Polisi Mark Saunders kepada wartawan pada konferensi pers larut malam hari Senin 23/4. Saunders mengatakan tersangka Alek Minassian, yang tinggal di Richmond Hill, pinggiran Toronto, belum dikenal polisi sebelumnya. Profil media sosialnya menggambarkan dia sebagai seorang mahasiswa. Kepolisian belum mengeluarkan pernyataan mengenai kemungkinan motif pelaku, hanya menyebutkan bahwa kaitan dengan terorisme sangat kecil Kanada mengamankan lokasi kejadian di pusat kota TorontoFoto picture-alliance/AP Photo/The Canadian Press/N. Denette "Berdasarkan apa yang kami miliki, tidak ada yang membahayakan keamanan nasional saat ini," kata Saunders. Pihak berwenang merilis beberapa rincian dalam kasus ini dan mengatakan bahwa penyelidikan masih berlangsung dan wawancara dengan para saksi masih berlangsung. "Saya dapat meyakinkan publik, semua sumber daya kami yang tersedia telah dikerahkan untuk menyelidiki situasi tragis ini," kata Wakil Kepala Dinas Kepolisian Toronto Peter Yuen. Polisi mengatakan, tersangka akan dihadapkan ke pengadilan Selasa pagi 24/4 waktu setempat, dan informasi lebih lengkap mengenai dakwaan terhadapnya akan dirilis saat itu. Insiden serangan mobil van itu terjadi ketika para menteri luar negeri dari negara-negara industri sedang berkumpul di Kanada untuk membahas berbagai masalah internasional menjelang KTT G7 di dekat Kota Quebec Juni mendatang. Menteri Keamanan Umum Kanada Ralph Goodale menyebut insiden itu sebagai "serangan yang mengerikan" dan mengatakan, para menteri luar negeri G7 menyampaikan belasungkawa hits pedestrians in TorontoTo view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video Dari rekaman video diketahui, pelaku mengendarakan mobilnya menuju ke selatan di kawasan ramai Yonge sekitar jam Jalan-jalan ketika itu dipenuhi orang-orang yang menikmati hari yang hangat di musim panas. Mobil van itu kemudian mendadak naik ke trotoar. Video yang disiarkan di beberapa saluran TV Kanada kemudian menunjukkan, polisi menangkap pengemudi yang mengenakan pakaian gelap, setelah petugas mengepung mobil sewaanya, hanya beberapa blok dari lokasi serangan. Pelaku kemudian mengancam polisi dan memberi isyarat bahwa dia bersenjata. Dia berteriak menantang polisi untuk menembaknya. Namun petugas kepolisian tidak mengeluarkan tembakan, melainkan menyergapnya. Perdana Menteri Kanada Justin Trudeau menyatakan simpati dan pujian kepada para petugas keamanan terlibat. "Kita semua harus merasa aman berjalan-jalan di kota dan di komunitas kita," kata Trudeau. "Kami tetap memantau situasi ini dengan cermat dan akan terus bekerja dengan semua mitra penegak hukum untuk memastikan keselamatan dan keamanan semua warga Kanada." hp/vlz afp, ap, rtr Delapanunit motor trail yang dibeli Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) tahun 2017 dengan dana Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD) tidak Many of the riders here in Southern Ontario will typically head north for their scenic rides. It’s hard to argue against the abundance of incredible scenery once you escape the clutches of the GTA. Thankfully, for those of us with only a few hours to spare on the weekend, there are some incredible scenic motorcycle routes much closer! The Niagara River Parkway can be combined into an interesting loop that starts and ends in the Hamilton/Toronto area. This is one of my favourite motorcycle routes in Southern Ontario, especially if I don’t have the time to go any further. To avoid the bulk of traffic I recommend following this route counter-clockwise. Leaving early in the day will also help you beat the weekend traffic in Niagara Falls. There’s a lot to do along the way. You can choose to spend a few hours riding or turn this into an epic day trip around southeastern Ontario. Motorcycle Cruising the Niagara River Parkway Start Port Dalhousie The starting point for this Niagara Region scenic route is Port Dalhousie. Coming from the direction of Hamilton or Toronto there are three ways to get here Take the QEW fastest Follow Ridge Road into St. Catharines most scenic Follow Lakeshore, the Service Roads, and Highway 87 not recommended Park the bike in Port Dalhousie, there’s free parking by the water. This is a small town but it’s interesting to explore if you have the time. If not, fuel up and take Highway 87 as it heads east along Lake Ontario towards Niagara. The next destination is Niagara-on-the-Lake. Relaxing scenery, miles of vineyards, and heaps of wineries dot the landscape while you slowly cruise into the next town. First Stop Niagara-on-the-Lake Leaving Port Dalhousie connect with Highway 87 and follow it along the lake. Unfortunately, the scenery isn’t spectacular but you’ll pass some of Niagara Region’s best wineries on the way. The highway, which is more of a two lane road, crosses over the Welland Canal at Port Weller. This is a great place to stop to watch the boats cruising through the canal. From here Highway 87 becomes Lakeshore Road and meanders right into Niagara-on-the-Lake. This small, historic town is one of the highlights of this route. Niagara-on-the-Lake has a rich, interesting history and played an important role in the development of this province. As a War of 1812 lover myself, there are a number of historic sites worth checking out. Park the bike in town away from the main tourist area. The parking is free and you won’t have to worry about people touching your bike. My personal recommendation – stop at Balzac’s Coffee Roasters for an amazing coffee! Second Stop Niagara Falls The stretch of road from Niagara-on-the-Lake to Niagara Falls is my personal favourite on this route. It’s also one of the most scenic motorcycle rides in Ontario. There are a number of historical highlights between Niagara-on-the-Lake and Niagara Falls that you might be interested in checking out. Even if you’re not into history you’ll want to stop by some of the sites for some great bike pics. Leaving Niagara-on-the-Lake the main street turns into the Niagara Parkway. For more than 20KM the road follows the path of the Niagara River and ascends the Escarpment at Queenston. The straightaways are few. Instead, riders are rewarded with sweeper after sweeper. It’s easy to overtake cars along this route and there aren’t any stop signs or lights for its entirety. One of the best places to stop is the lookout point halfway up the Escarpment, just after Queenston. Near the lookout is the Brock Monument and Queenston Heights Park – two more interesting places to stop and explore. To avoid traffic and tour buses you’ll want to hit this ride early in the morning or during the week. On weekends it’s almost impossible to overtake and you’ll be stuck riding behind a bus going 10 under the limit. Along with historical sites there are a number of wineries on this section of the route. Some of the best wineries would include Inniskillin Wines and Peller Estates Winery if that’s what you’re interested in. As for Niagara Falls – on its own is underwhelming and boring if you’ve been before. Parking is expensive and I’d be worried about leaving my bike unattended and out of sight with all the tourists around. If you arrive early in the day you can park right at the falls, take a gander, then hop back on the bike. Otherwise, feel free to cruise around the falls. There isn’t much to do on the bike and it’s unbelievably busy for half the year. Consider continuing on the route for a more scenic and less busy riding experience. Third Stop Fort Erie The ride from Niagara Falls to Old Fort Erie along the Niagara River is equally as incredible as the previous section. This part is quieter with hardly any traffic, even during the summer months. Regardless of the direction you take the views of the Niagara River and surrounding scenery are amazing. Traffic is light and there aren’t any stop signs or lights along the route. There are a number of pull-off areas where you can stop, get off the bike, and enjoy the view. It’s good to stretch your legs while riding and these are the perfect places to relax. Consider bringing a picnic or something to eat to avoid having to spend money at any of the overpriced tourist stops in the area. The route passes by mostly high-priced residential estates and a few historic sites. There are no distractions until you get to the small town of Fort Erie. Feel free to stop in Fort Erie and look around. This is a picturesque small town that gets overlooked by the nearby tourist highlights at the Falls. For lunch I recommend stopping at the gas station in Fort Erie called Robo Mart. It sounds unusual but these guys make the most incredible sandwiches you’ll find anywhere. This is also a great spot to fuel up since there aren’t many other places along the rest of this route. Fourth Stop Port Colbourne The ride from Old Fort Erie to Port Colborne is relaxing with a few interesting stops along the way. Rather than taking the direct route, consider stopping in Crystal Beach to look around. Crystal Beach is a small cottage town on the shores of Lake Erie. During the summer, especially on weekends, it can get busy in the area so be cautious when you run into any a great parking lot right on Lake Erie in Crystal Beach that provides incredible views of the lake. This is an interesting place to get off the bike, walk around, and read some of the historic signs. Leaving Crystal Beach it’s a short 15-minute ride into Port Colborne. This is a small town at the entrance of the Welland Canal. There are a number of cafes and restaurants in Port Colborne along with a beautiful historic town area. Typically this is where I’ll stop for a short break to watch the boats coming into or leaving the canal. Even during the summer Port Colborne is a quiet place and I personally prefer it over Welland as a riding destination. At this point on the ride you have two options. If you need to get back you can hop on the highway and connect back with the QEW. This will get you anywhere you need to go in Southern Ontario. Alternatively, you can keep riding along the Lake Erie coast and explore a few more destinations. It depends on where you’re coming from and what your final destination is to see if you have enough time to finish this route. Final Stop Port Maitland & Dunnville From Port Colborne you can continue following Lake Erie to the even smaller town, or settlement rather, of Port Maitland. Along the way you’ll enjoy picturesque scenery of Lake Erie without having to deal with any traffic. This is a quiet, scenic route that’s overlooked by most riders. There isn’t much to explore while following Highway 3 into Port Maitland. The small cottage towns of Lowbanks and Burnaby are sleepy and seemingly uninhabited, although it’s obvious that people are living here. Those of you interested in hiking can stop at the Rock Point Provincial Park for some outdoor exploration. In Port Maitland you’ll have to go on a bit of a longer ride to reach the public beach and Port Maitland lighthouse. For some reason there’s no access to the other side of the Grand River here at this point. Leaving Port Maitland your next destination is going to be another small town – Dunnville. This town gets busy during the summer thanks to the nearby provincial parks and conservation areas. It’s also the starting point of the Grand River Scenic Parkway that follows Highway 17 and Highway 54 into Brantford. Be sure to check out my grand River Scenic Parkway motorcycle route post! Dunnville is the end point of this Niagara region motorcycle cruise. Hopefully this gives you some ideas or inspiration on cool new places to explore on your bike in Southern Ontario. Looking for more scenic rides or motorcycle events? Motorcycle Day Trips From Toronto Ontario Motorcycle Events
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MotorDinas Polisi di Gorontalo Digunakan Untuk Mencuri Tabung Gas HOME NEWS Yamaha FJR1300 jadi motor dinas Kepolisian di Malaysia. - Motor gede moge sport touring dari Yamaha, FJR1300 jadi kendaraan dinas Kepolisian Malaysia. Yamaha FJR130 sendiri pertama diperkenalkan di Eropa pada 2001 dan mulai dijual di Amerika Serikat AS pada 2002. Setelah mengaspal, Yamaha pun terus melakukan update dan menambahkan teknologi baru pada FJR130. Misalnya, dari yang semula tidak memiliki teknologi Anti-lock Braking System ABS kini jadi mempunyai teknologi tersebut. Baca Juga Yamaha FJR1300 Bakal Hadir Kembali Dengan Sasis Karbon, Dibekali Teknologi Ini Belum lama ini bikers dan pencinta sport touring di Malaysia dikejutkan dengan adanya kabar Yamaha FJR130 jadi kendaraan dinas. Sebagai informasi tambahan, Yamaha FJR1300 banyak digunakan sebagai motor dinas polisi di beberapa negara termasuk di Amerika Serikat. Yamaha FJR1300 yang jadi motor dinas polisi. Menariknya, moge bermesin kelas cc yang jadi kendaraan dinas ini sudah dibekali dengan beberapa fitur tambahan sob. Mulai dari depan, tepat di sisi kiri dan kanan kaca spion terdapat strobo berbentuk kotak yang melengkapi. Baca Juga Restomod Yamaha DT 100 Enduro Barter Xpander dan Innova Ini Templok Starter Elektrik VIDEO PILIHAN MotorListrik Jadi Kendaraan Dinas Polisi di China; Video Viral Mobil Dinas Dipakai Jalan-jalan, Ini Dasar Aturannya; Lihat Semua. Yamaha Stop Penjualan Motor Trail WR250R. News. 03/08/2022, 07:22 WIB. Banyak Motor Listrik di GIIAS 2022, Ini Komentar Gaikindo. News. 03/08/2022, 07:12 WIB.
PROBOLINGGO Acara motor trail yang akan diselenggarakan di Bromo pada Agustus 2022, menuai penolakan. Bahkan beredar petisi yang menolak acara bertajuk Adventure Trail & Mountain Bike Bromo Volcano Series Independent Day 3 itu, karena dikhawatirkan akan merusak lingkungan. Baca juga: Penolakan Acara Motor Trail Digelar di Bromo
KBRN Sungailiat : 100 Klub motor dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia hadir dalam acara Sungailiat Adventure Trail (SAT) 2022 yang digelar di pantai Tikus Emas Sungailiat, Sabtu (30/7/2022). Kepala Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan (Disparbud) Kabupaten Bangka, Rismi Wira Madonna mengatakan, stxh.
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  • motor trail dinas polisi